Useful Commands

CS:GO Practice Mode Commands

These commands are to be used in the chatbox, utilize alphabet key T in-game to enable chatbox.

Useful commands

Start practice mode


Opens the client settings menu


Makes you respawn at the spot you are standing (.stop to cancel)


Toggles god mode (alias for the god command in console; requires sv_cheats to be on)


Ends the round (alias for the endround command in console; requires sv_cheats to be on)


Opens the bot menu for easier access to most of the below commands


Adds a bot where you're standing (or crouching!)


To force a crouching bot


.ctbot, .tbot: same as .bot, but forces the bot's team to CT or T


Adds a bot at the point you're looking at (similar to the bot_place command)


Removes the bot you're aiming at (can also use .kickbot or .removebot)


Clears all bots (.clearbots, .removebots, .kickbots also work)


Last updated